- Accessing Your Start Page
- Navigating Your Start Page
- Adding Logins to Your Start Page
- Customizing Your Start Page
- Editing Your Data from the Start Page
- Additional Start Page Options
- Using Start Page Search
The RoboForm Start Page combines all of your Logins, Identities, Bookmarks, and Safenotes in one place, making your browsing experience faster and easier than ever before.
Accessing Your Start Page
To use the RoboForm Start Page, the RoboForm Browser Extension must be installed into the browser you wish to use. To view our tutorial on installing the RoboForm Browser Extension, click here.
To access the Start Page visit https://start.roboform.com/.
Navigating Your Start Page
1) Sorting
You can sort your RoboForm data via the three selections listed under the search bar: Popular (most frequently used), Recently Used (most recently used), and A-Z (alphabetical order).
2) Folders and Item Types
In the left navigation bar, clicking the drop-down to the left of the Home folder will display a list of all subfolders.
- The All tab will display a list of all RoboForm data files and folders (Logins, Identities Bookmarks, Contacts, and Safenotes).
- The Logins and Bookmarks tab displays a list of Logins and Bookmarks only.
- The Safenotes tab displays a list of Safenotes only.
- The Identities tab displays a list of Identities only.
- Clicking on an Identity listed in this column will open the Identity in View mode.
If you click on the Identity in the column on the left, or you go to the Identities tab and click on an Identity, you will open a window which displays the information attached to that Identity. This information can be edited as needed by clicking the Pencil icon in the top right corner, or copied by clicking the Copy icon to the right of the pencil icon.
Adding Logins to Your Start Page
1) While on the "Logins and Bookmarks" tab, click the blue [ + ] icon in the lower right corner of your Start Page.
2) The “Create New Login” window will appear. This window contains a list of commonly saved websites. Use the search field to search for the website you wish to save.
3) Name the Login as you wish, enter your username and password, and select the folder you wish to store the Login in. If you would like to pin the newly saved Login to your Start Page, click the Pin icon. Use the "Add Note" button to add any notes that you would like to save with your new Login. Then, click the “Save” button.
Customizing Your Start Page
There are a variety of different ways that you can customize the appearance and functionality of your RoboForm Start Page.
1) Start Page Layout
You can change the format in which you view your data by selecting between the Grid, Compact, and List icons on the right, under your account dropdown.
2) Pinned
The Pinned tab allows you to customize the Start Page with the RoboForm files you access most often. In the upper right of each Login, you can click the 3 dots and select “Add to Pinned” to add that Login to your pinned list.
3) Dark Mode
You can turn on “Dark Mode” by clicking on your account’s dropdown menu in the upper right, and toggling the button next to “Dark Mode” to the “On” position. This is useful if you find bright, white screens irritating to your eyes, and would prefer a darker color theme on your Start Page.
Editing your data from the Start Page
You may edit individual Logins, Identities, Bookmarks, and Contacts from within the RoboForm Start Page.
NOTE: You can also edit these items from the RoboForm Desktop Editor
To edit a Login or Bookmark:
1) Click the three vertical dots. Then, select “Edit” from the menu.
2) Edit the fields as needed and then click the blue "Save" button.
To edit an Identity or Contact:
1) Click the 3 vertical dots. Then, select “View” from the menu.
2) Click the “Pencil” icon at the top right.
3) Edit the fields as needed and then click the blue “Save” button.
To edit a Safenote:
Go to the "Safenotes" tab and click the Safenote you wish to edit. You will now be viewing your Safenote. On this screen, click the text field of the Safenote to edit the text. Edit the Safenote as needed and then click the blue “Save” button.
Additional Start Page Options
From the Start Page, you may also log in, go fill, go to, copy username, copy password, view, edit, rename, move, clone, delete, add to pinned, share, send, and print RoboForm Logins, Bookmarks, and Safenotes.
1) Click the three vertical dots located at the right-hand corner of an individual Login, Bookmark, or Safenote.
Depending on whether you are selecting a Login, Bookmark, or Safenote, a menu will appear offering you some combination of options to log in, go fill, go to, copy username, copy password, view, edit, rename, move, clone, add to pinned, delete, share, send, and restore.
2) You can find the option to “Print” by selecting “View” from this menu, and clicking the 3 vertical dots in the upper right of the view page.
3) There are also options in the bottom left corner to view the Password Generator, Authenticator, Sharing Center, Security Center, and the Emergency Access page from the Start Page.
4) To view your account settings from your RoboForm Online account, you can click your account’s dropdown in the upper right, and select “Settings” from the menu.
Using Start Page Search
You can easily conduct a search for any data included within your RoboForm account using the Search RoboForm bar at the top of the page.
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