What is the Security Score?
The Security Score represents the collective strength of all of your individual passwords. It is made up of an overall score out of 100, a rating (eg: “Good”), and a recommendation of how to improve the score. The rating of the Security Score is divided into sections: Low (0-25%), Average (26-50%), Good (51-75%), and Excellent (76-100%).
How is my Security Score calculated?
Your Security Score is calculated based on the following factors:
- Number of Compromised or Weak passwords
- Number of Duplicated Logins (username and password combinations)
- Number of Unique passwords
Strength of individual passwords, which is based on:
Password strength evaluation by zxcvbn algorithm.
Checking the password against our Compromised Passwords base.
Checking whether the password is re-used.
There are four possible password strengths:
Strong - A password marked strong is considered Strong by zxcvbn, is not enlisted in Compromised Passwords base, and is used only once.
Good - A password marked good is considered Good by zxcvbn, is not enlisted in Compromised Passwords base, and is used only once.
Medium - A password marked medium is considered Medium by zxcvbn, is not enlisted in Compromised Passwords base, and is used only once.
Weak - A password can be marked weak for the following reasons:
It is considered Weak by zxcvbn.
It is listed in the Compromised Passwords base.
It is considered Good or lower by zxcvbn, is not enlisted in Compromised Passwords base, and is used for two different domains.
It is considered Strong by zxcvbn, is not enlisted in Compromised Passwords base, and is used for three or more different domains.
How can I improve my Security Score?
Improving your security score means regularly updating compromised, weak, reused, or duplicated passwords. To elevate your score, utilize our password generator to create random, unique, and complex passwords.
For example, a weak password would be something like "ABC123!". Go to the "Change Password" page for the account associated with this password, and hover your mouse over top of the RoboForm icon next to the "New Password" field.
Then, use the RoboForm Password Generator to generate and fill a new password which is rated strong, for example: x3XB9Eu5VcKz67&^
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