Group managers can edit the default settings of groups they manage. Group settings can be accessed by clicking the name of the group from the Groups panel.
From the group, page, click on the "Group Settings" tab.
Storage Type
The storage type determines where copies of the data shared within this group can be saved.
A copy of the data shared in this group will never be stored on the user’s computer; it will only be stored in the company's account hosted on RoboForm servers. As such, users in this group will only be able to access these logins while they are online.
A copy of the RoboForm files assigned to this group will reside on the user's device as well as on your company's account hosted on RoboForm servers. As such, users in this group will be able to access the data that has been shared with them even if they are offline.
Usage Permission
For more information on the different permission levels, read here.
Advanced Settings
To access advanced settings, click "Advanced settings."
Allowed IP addresses
If any IP addresses are listed here, the data in this group will only be visible if the user is logged in from one of the listed IP addresses or within the specified IP range. Start each address or range from a new line, or delimit each entry with a ‘,’ or ‘;’. To list a range of address use a ‘-‘, use a ‘*’ to denote all numbers in that range.
Note: This setting will only prevent users from seeing the data shared in this group. To prevent users from accessing their RoboForm account while outside a desired IP address range, enable the "Allowed IP address Ranges" policy. More information about RoboForm policies can be found here.
Disable group by device type
Checking "Disable group visibility from devices" prevents the data in this group from being visible to users when logged in to their RoboForm account from the selected web browser/device.
Note: This setting will only prevent users from seeing the data shared within this group. To prevent users from accessing their RoboForm account from a selected web browser/device, enable the "Device type access restriction" policy. More information about RoboForm policies can be found here.
Backup & Restore
Group data can be backed up and restored from the "Backup & Restore" tab.
Click new Backup to manually create a new backup of the current group data.
Click the arrow to the left of a specific backup to reveal any data available for restoration.
Select the file/s to restore and click the "Restore" button.
Click "Restore" to confirm.
The selected data will now be restored to the group.
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