Through policies, a company administrator can restrict their users in a variety of ways. If, as a user, a policy is preventing access to a necessary option or feature, contact your administrator to request they disable the corresponding policy.
Authentication method
If the "Authentication method" setting cannot be changed, the "Cache Master Password" policy is enabled.
Can’t log off
If the "Log Out" option is missing or disabled, the "Disable Logoff" policy is enabled. As a result, you will not be able to log out of RoboForm.
Can’t change Master Password
If the option to change your master password is disabled, the "Disable Master Password Change" policy is enabled.
Can’t disable Auto-Logout
If the automatic Auto-Logout cannot be changed or edited, the "Enforce Auto-Log Off Time" policy is enabled.
Can’t create RoboForm data
If the "command is prohibited" error message appears when attempting to create RoboForm data, the "Disable RoboForm File Creation" policy is enabled.
Can't export RoboForm data
If the export button is greyed out, the "Enable RoboForm Data Export" policy is disabled.
Can only create RoboForm data in a group
If the "command is prohibited" error message appears when attempting to create RoboForm data, the "Force user created RoboForm data to be saved in company groups only" policy is enabled. Users can still create data in any group that they have at least regular permission in.
Data isn't being synced to RoboForm online
If private data is not being synced to the RoboForm Online server, then the "Disable Sync of Local / User Created RoboForm Data" policy is enabled. Data saved in groups will still be synced to the server.
Can't use the Backup and Restore option
If the Backup and Restore option is greyed out, the "Disable Backup/Restore of User Owned RoboForm Data" policy is enabled.
Unable to share RoboForm data
If the "command is prohibited" message appears when attempting to share RoboForm data, the "Disable RoboForm File Sharing" policy is enabled.
Can’t edit the AutoSave page
If the settings in the AutoSave page cannot be changed, the "Auto Save" policy has been enabled.
Can’t change the AutoFill Settings
If the AutoFill options on the Autofill page settings cannot be changed, this is prohibited by policy.
Can't set an Emergency Contact
If the option to add an emergency contact through Emergency Access in the RoboForm icon menu is missing, the "Disable Emergency Access feature" policy is enabled.
Unable to change RoboForm’s data directory location
If the "command is prohibited by policy" message appears when attempting to change the default directory where RoboForm stores your data, the "Disable Custom RoboForm Data Directory Location" policy is enabled.
Can't disable One-Time Password
If you are unable to disable the One-Time Password feature, the Enforce One-Time Password policy is enabled.
Server forbidden IP error
If the "Access to RoboForm data is denied in offline mode or restricted IP due to the company policy" error appears when attempting to log in, the "Allowed IP address ranges" policy is enabled, and you are not logging in from one of the allowed IP addresses.
Save Forms or Fill Forms is disabled
If the "Save Forms is disabled" or the "Fill Forms is prohibited" message appears when attempting to save a login for a website or login to a website, then either the "Whitelist Domains" or "Blacklist Domains" policy is enabled and the website you are trying to create a login for or log into is not allowed.
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