1) Open the Google Authenticator app and tap the 3 lines in the upper left corner.
2) Select "Transfer accounts" from the menu.
3) Select the "Export accounts" option. You may be prompted to confirm this action using your PIN or Biometric authentication.
4) Select the accounts you would like to import into RoboForm. Once you are finished, tap the "Next" button in the bottom right.
5) You will be presented with a QR Code. Take a screenshot of this QR code.
NOTE: If you are exporting more than 10 codes, you will have to take screenshots of multiple QR codes at this step.
6) Open the RoboForm app and select the "Authenticator" tab at the bottom of the screen. Then, tap the [ + ] button in the bottom right corner and select the "Scan QR code" option.
7) Tap the Folder icon at the bottom of the screen and select the screenshot you took of the QR code.
8) The "Import Verification codes" window will appear.
If the codes you are attempting to import are for Logins which already exist in your RoboForm account, you will be asked to match the code to the existing Login.
If the codes you are attempting to import are for Logins which do not already exist in your RoboForm account, RoboForm will create a new Login to store the code within.
Once you have matched any codes to their existing Logins, tap the blue "Import" button in the upper right corner.
9) RoboForm will present you with confirmation that the import was successful.
NOTE: After the import is complete, return to the Google Authenticator app and remove all exported accounts.
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