Browser Centric mode for RoboForm on iOS allows you to use RoboForm more seamlessly as your web browser as well as password manager.
Enabling Browser Centric Mode
1) Open the RoboForm app and tap the 3 dots in upper right. Then, tap "Settings" and select "General" from the menu.
2) Toggle the option for "Browser centric mode" to the ON position.
Browser Features
RoboForm Search Bar - Allows you to search both your RoboForm data items and the Web.
Start Page Button - Tapping the Start Page button takes you back to the RoboForm iOS Start Page.
Back Button - Tapping the Back button takes you back to the previous page in the session history.
Forward Button - Tapping the Forward button takes you forward by one page in the session history.
New Page Button - Opens a new page in RoboForm.
View All Open Pages - Allows you to view all open pages within the RoboForm app.
Navigation Tabs
Pinned Tab - Displays your Pinned RoboForm data items.
Logins Tab - Displays a list of Logins only.
Authenticator Tab - Allows you to access the RoboForm Authenticator.
For more information about the RoboForm Authenticator, click here.
Safenotes Tab - Displays a list of Safenotes only.
Identities Tab - Displays a list of Identities only.
Bookmarks Tab - Displays a list of Bookmarks only.
Contacts Tab - Displays a list of Contacts only.
All Tab - Displays a list of all RoboForm data files and folders (Logins, Identities Bookmarks, Contacts, and Safenotes)
Additional Options
Tapping the 3 dots in the upper right corner of the RoboForm app opens a menu of additional options:
- Password Generator - Takes you to the RoboForm Password Generator. Learn more about the RoboForm Password Generator here.
- Sharing Center - Takes you to the Sharing Center. Learn more about the Sharing Center here.
- Security Center - Takes you to the Security Center. Learn more about the Security Center here.
- Emergency Access - Takes you to the Emergency Access page. Learn more about Emergency Access here.
- View mode - Allows you to select between Grid, List, or Compact for viewing your RoboForm data.
- Sort by - Allows you to select between Popular, Recent, or A-Z for sorting your RoboForm data items.
- Advanced search - Allows you to search your RoboForm data items.
- Select - Allows you to select RoboForm data items to Move, Cone, or Delete.
- Sync - Syncs the RoboForm iOS application with your RoboForm account.
- Settings - Allows you to view and change your RoboForm account settings.
- Help - Takes you to the RoboForm Help page where you can find links to our Help Center, Contact Support, Manual, and information about your version of the RoboForm iOS application.
- Lock - Locks the RoboForm application, requiring you to input your PIN/Biomentrics again to unlock.
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